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Oct 31, 2017

Ebook: "Micro Seismograph With Arduino And Processing And Accelerometer"


1.    Introduction
2.    Hardware
3.    Software
4.    Photographs
5.    Download
6.    Datasheet

"In this book we have solved the problem of creating a digital seismograph and using the LSM303D accelerometer and with very interesting results. A difficult challenge was to obtain the digital data and send it through the serial port to be graphed by the "Processing" program, the solution was basically programming and that is useful for us since we had to investigate how to make a communication protocol for send data through serial port and that Processing could read and graph without errors. The device is in the stage of tests and improvements that we will add in the future. It should be noted that this type of digital LSM303D sensors are more sensitive than cellular accelerometers and it is for this reason that we decided on this sensor."
The links of this Ebook are:

Calibration of the LSM303D:

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Oct 7, 2017

Ebook: "Weather Station With Arduino and Android Studio"


1.    Introduction
2.    Hardware
3.    Software
4.    Procedure for Creating the Application with Android Studio
5.    Photographs
6.    Download
7.    Datasheet

"In this book we have managed to solve the problem of showing the data captured by our neurological station, in an application developed with Android Studio. This work was not easy, since we had to develop a simple communication protocol to be able to communicate to the Arduino board with the Android Studio application and without errors. The result is good and when the application is frozen it is only necessary to reset the system."
The links of this Ebook are:

Free Projects:

Oct 4, 2017

Ebook: "Automation Home With Arduino And Android Studio"


1.    Introduction
2.    Hardware
3.    Software
4.    Procedure for Creating the Application with Android Studio
5.    Photographs
6.    Download
7.    Datasheet

"In this book we have reached the challenge of creating our first Smart House prototype with Android Studio. To develop it, we have taken as experience the work that we had already done with App Inventor 2. At the moment we have not added the command command by voice, but in the future we plan to do it like other innovations more since Android Studio is the most powerful programming tool in the world to make Android applications. Simply this work will serve us as a basis or foundation to make better projects in the future."
The links of this Ebook are:

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